
Discover untapped potential for your company’s success

Sales Performance CheckCiM

Today, a professional sales organization is essential if a company wants to keep its competitive edge. Using our Sales Performance CheckCiM, you can find out how your sales department performs across the five dimensions that are crucial for your success. More...

… of the sales team are not satisfied with the internal sales processes.

2 out of 3

… sales employees are unable to meaningfully use the CRM system.

KAM Performance CheckCiM

Key accounts secure sales and accelerate organic growth. At the same time, losing such high-paying customers can put an entire company at risk. Take the KAM Performance CheckCiM to learn how well your key account management (KAM) is positioned to effectively compete in the market. More...

3 out of 4

…companies would struggle to find new customers if they lost a key account today.

… of all companies consider improving customer relationships as the most important KAM task.